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(Des)encontros is a piece for ensemble and live-electronics, inspired by the Georg Simmel´s book “Die Großstädte und das Geisteleben”, as well as my personal observations, experimentations and comparisons between the life in South Brazil and the life in North Germany.
The piece is constructed with a contrast between a precise and an improvisation part. The improvisation part is strongly based in an interaction with percussion and live-electronics, and the instruments producing unusual sounds and free to play, only following some formal instructions, creating a certain sound textures. In the precise part, the musicians work intensively with a difficult rhythmic pattern, in which they have to concentrate in their own part.
The main reason for these arduors work is due to obtain an asynchronical texture based in sound events rhythmically organized.
In the course of the piece, the contrast between the two parts becomes either bigger or smaller. Slowly these two sections are more and more integrated.
I am more than glad and thankful to all the musicians who brought with them their sound personality to this piece. Their sounds inspired me to compose this piece in a collaborative way; with theirr precious time, images, sound and musical knowledge, and mainly with their greatest good energy.
Diplomkonzert Kompostion - Vinicius Giusti
Flute - Isabelle Raphaelis
Clarinet - Maika Inoue
Violin - Gabriele Mele
Violoncello - Ann-Katrin Eisold
Piano – Lydia Hammerbacher
Percussion – Johannes von Buttlar
Conductor - René Gulikers
…. also featuring recorded sounds:
Piano - Lukas Rickli
Violin - Johannes Haase
Live-electronics-video : Anton Wassiljev
Live-electronics-audio : Vinicius Giusti
(Des)encontros (2014) for Ensemble, improvised percussion, live-electronics in an 8-channel sound-surround and video.
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